One of the flagship investments carried out by the local government of the Rzeszów poviat during its operation was the construction of the „Rzeszów – Dworzysko” Science and Technology Park, completed in 2015. In September this year, we celebrated the 10th anniversary of signing the contract for the implementation of this project, which makes it an opportunity to look at how one of the largest and most dynamically developing economic zones in our region was born from the concept.


The only such zone in the region

The uniqueness of this investment lies in the fact that it was carried out by the poviat on its own land. In this respect, it is the only such investment in the country. This undertaking has significantly influenced and still influences the economic and social revival of the region. The implementation of this several-year project closed in the amount of PLN 78 million. Co-financing in the amount of PLN 53 million. obtained from the Operational Program Development of Eastern Poland, Priority Axis I – Modern Economy, Measures I.3 – Supporting Innovation.

The coordinator of the project, which changed the economic perception of the Rzeszów Poviat, was Mr. Waldemar Pijar, the Secretary of the Rzeszów Poviat. Thanks to comprehensively developed investment areas located in the central part of Podkarpacie, the Rzeszów district creates a good climate for socio-economic development and becomes its initiator.

What 10 years ago was a concept and seemed only a pipe dream today has transformed into the economic heart of our region. The Rzeszów-Dworzysko Science and Technology Park exceeded our expectations, becoming a source of pride, while at the same time being an inspiration for other local governments on how to implement similar investments – said Waldemar Pijar, Secretary of the Rzeszów Poviat.

This year, in September, it will be 10 years since the contract for the implementation of the project with the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development was signed. Slightly more than two years after this event, on October 16, 2014, 55.46 hectares of land were ceremonially opened, officially opening the activity of the newly established economic zone. The Science and Technology Park „Rzeszów – Dworzysko” was named after Grażyna Gęsicka, Minister of Regional Development in 2005-2007 and MP from Podkarpacie in 2007-2010. This fact is commemorated by a commemorative plaque placed on the occasional obelisk in the Park.

Today, Dworzysko is a comprehensively developed investment area located within the administrative borders of Rzeszów with an area of ​​83 hectares, which makes it one of the largest and most attractive areas in Podkarpacie. It has been equipped with a network of roads, pavements, bicycle paths, rainwater and sanitary sewage systems, water supply and energy networks, as well as system heat, monitoring and a lightning protection network. Investors can take advantage of tax reliefs offered by the Euro-Park Mielec Special Economic Zone. The agreement with the Industrial Development Agency concluded on February 26, 2015 opened the way to tenders for activities in the zone and for the sale of land for investments. The condition for being in the park is innovation.


Continuous development

As part of the second stage of the construction of the „Rzeszów – Dworzysko” Science and Technology Park, a photovoltaic cell farm was built on the area of ​​0.95 ha with a total capacity of 0.58 MW. The energy produced is supplied to the PGE power grid, and the amount from its sale is allocated to the ongoing maintenance of the park area.

It is worth recalling that companies such as from the chemical, commercial, aviation, cosmetics and clothing industries.

By the end of August 2022, 57 plots of land (34 investors) with a total area of ​​50.9868 ha were sold. The value of the investment amounts to PLN 607,661,400 net (747,423,522 gross). The companies that have purchased plots in the Park will eventually employ approx. 2,000 people.

The establishment of PNT „Rzeszów-Dworzysko” was a bull’s-eye and economically stimulated our region. As the first poviat in Poland, we decided to take such a step, from the beginning our mission to create the Park was to support entrepreneurship, and the dynamic development of the company contributes to reducing the unemployment rate in our region. – Says Józef Jodłowski, Starost of Rzeszów.

The park attracts more companies because it is fully developed and fully prepared for the immediate start of construction. The advantage of the park is, above all, its excellent location at the intersection of the main communication routes. The A4 motorway and the S19 expressway are nearby. The entire area is adjacent to the E30 Germany-Poland-Ukraine railway main. In Jasionka, with which the Park is perfectly connected, there is an international airport. The plots have a regulated legal status, because their owner is the poviat. The Local Spatial Development Plan applies to the entire area, in which the area has been designated for industrial and service activities. In addition, it is worth mentioning that the county offers assistance at every stage of the investment and supplies.