Science – Technology Park

Visit of representatives of the Italian-Slovenian Euroregion (EGTC GO).

wizyta delegacji

Representatives of the Italian-Slovenian Euroregion (EGTC GO) visited the seat of the District Office in Rzeszów. The meeting was attended by Mr. Józef Jodłowski, Starost of Rzeszów, President of the Association of the Carpathian Euroregion Poland. Mr. Dawid Lasek, Secretary General of the Carpathian Euroregion Poland, Vice-President of the Association of the Carpathian Euroregion Poland and Mrs. Lucyna Sokołowska, Member of the Management Board of the Rzeszów Poviat Council, Member of the Management Board of the Association of the Carpathian Euroregion Poland. The Italian-Slovenian Euroregion was represented by Paolo Petiziol, President of EGTC GO. Rodolfo Ziberna, Mayor of the City of Gorizia. Milan Turk, Mayor of the Municipality of Šempeter Vrtojba and Tomaž Konrad, Deputy Director of EGTC GO.


          The meeting was an opportunity to exchange experiences of both parties, to learn about the potential of our region. The achievements and the most important assets of the Rzeszów Poviat were presented, as well as the activities of the Rzeszów-Dworzysko Science and Technology Park, one of the flagship investments implemented by the Rzeszów Poviat local government. Our guests had the opportunity to see the effects of our investment activities, and we had the opportunity to show off them and share information related to the ongoing investments and companies that are developing and thriving in our Park

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